Universal Accounting® Promotes Rhett Barney

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (September 12, 2006) — Universal Accounting®, a national small business accounting training firm has promoted Rhett Barney to manager over the Client Generator program.

Barney, a Cedar Hills resident returned to Universal Accounting® after a year hiatus to help launch the Universal Practice Builder (UPB) workshop, a two-day course training accountants how to market their accounting practice. In his role as Manager, Barney will conduct monthly UPB workshops, train UPB and Client Generator staff and promote Universal Accounting®'s marketing services.

The Client Generator is a marketing service designed specifically for accountants wanting quick, consistent and sustained growth of their firm, but would rather not do the marketing themselves. Universal Accounting® guarantees $100,000 in new annualized billings in only 12 months for firms using the Client Generator.

Universal Accounting® is a Salt Lake City, Utah based training center offering accounting, bookkeeping and income tax training to students throughout the world. Universal Accounting® skills are taught through classroom sessions or through its patented home-study course, allowing students to learn at their own pace. More information about Universal Accounting® can be found by visiting www.universalaccountingcenter.com.